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Fridolin Haag's avatar
Fridolin Haag authored
Add ZMT specific dependencies as local jar libraries addressing issue #5

See merge request !3

Simulation developed in zmt-bremen's department of Theoretical Ecology & Modelling. Building is done with Gradle and zmt-build. For the complete documentation on zmt-build visit the zmt-build project page.

IDE Support

To generate .project and .classpath files for developing in the Eclipse IDE enter:

./gradlew eclipse

This will also generate a launch configuration to run the simulation via GUI.

Other build tasks can be listed with:

./gradlew tasks

Eclipse Support for Gradle

Gradle is supported by Eclipse via Buildship:


You can build a distribution by running the following in the project root folder:

./gradlew installDist

Build files are then stored in the build subdirectory.